Want to help shape our future through your voice and action?

Become part of our Youth Advisory Panel

The Y Youth Advisory Panel

Want to have a say on important issues facing young people? Shape the future of one of New Zealand's oldest youth-oriented organisations? Or just make an impact in mental health, sustainability, and youth? This is an opportunity to share your voice on some of the biggest issues facing our young people.

What is The Y Youth Advisory Panel

Launched in 2020, the Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) was formed based on the need to empower youth voice within the Y; with the support of our executive board and our CEO, we aim to increase youth led initiatives for our centres and broader communities. YAPs mission is to provide a platform where youth voices are nurtured, celebrated, and harnessed to evoke positive change within our communities.

The Youth Advisory Panel is for people aged 16 - 24 years, who are meaningfully connected to the Y (you could be staff, a gym member, involved in our programs or wanting to get involved!).
We meet fortnightly (online) to brainstorm, plan, discuss and present concepts and initiatives for the Y to ensure young people are being represented.

The YAP is passionate about developing confident and capable youth leaders, working on training and development of leadership and governance skills for all YAP members.

Join us!

If you want to get involved, fill out the below form to apply and we will be in touch!

As a member: We are looking for someone who will be committed to all of the panel's projects and actively attends regular meetings.

Key info


YAP meetings are held Fortnightly on Mondays 6:30-7:30pm


Online via Google Meets


Email: youthadvisorypanel@ymcaauckland.org.nz

Follow us

To learn more follow our page on Instagram: @yap_ynorth

If you are interested in joining us, apply now by completing an application and we will be in touch.