At The Y (formerly known as YMCA) Early Learning Centre Massey, we view and respect the tamariki as confident learners. We endeavour to make every tamariki feel confident and unique in an environment. Kaiako will provide a centre focused on developing each holistically, meaning that many areas develop all at the same time and interdependently on each other.
Empowerment: Whakamana
Our curriculum empowers tamariki to be capable of setting their own challenges, developing and discovering their ideas and interests and making their own choices through play. We, the Kaiako, aim to support and inspire our tamariki to learn at their own pace. We Kaiako will balance being involved in our Tamariki's learning and providing them with the space to grow and learn for themselves. – It is important to us that our tamariki have a passion for learning and become lifelong learners. As Kaiako, we are committed to providing a rich environment for our tamariki to flourish and grow into their being.
Holistic development: Kotahitanga
Our curriculum supports the Tamariki in developing and growing in a cognitive, physical, emotional, spiritual, social and cultural way with a broad and rich curriculum that enables them to grow their capabilities across all these dimensions. As Kaiako, we will implement varying provocations related to and connect with other aspects of learning and build on the Tamariki's strengths.
Family and Community: Whānau Tangata
Every tamariki who enters our centre brings their funds of knowledge adapted from their Whanau, communities and cultures and are extended and implemented into the centre environment. At The Y Early Learning Centre Massey, we endeavour to develop strong and lasting relationships with Whanau working in partnership where their cultural heritage is recognised and valued for the development and growth of each tamariki. Where whanau voices and aspirations are valued and taken into account, we will display professionalism-creating positive relationships with whanau through this partnership with whanau. This will allow tamariki and whanau to feel a sense of belonging to our centre. The cultural heritage of Aotearoa New Zealand is supported and implemented into our everyday curriculum.
Relationships: Ngā Honoga
We believe it is through responsive and reciprocal relationships with people, places and things. We Kaiako provide a facilitating environment that includes a wide range of resources and opportunities for a positive attitude toward relationships. Reciprocal relationships are paramount and collaborative relationship which Tamariki's can develop through everyday experience here at The Y Early Learning Centre Massey.
Treaty of Waitangi- Te Tiriti o Waitangi
In relation to Te Tiriti O Waitangi, a founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand as Kaiako value and aim to uplift and interweave the cultural heritage of both parties of Te Tiriti O Waitangi by providing opportunities for the Tamariki's to develop and learn both cultural heritages. We implement, support and acknowledge the Tikanga me ona Te Reo Maori.
Our curriculum empowers the child to learn and grow through supporting them to become interactive learners and constructors of knowledge. Within the centre we believe that our children will develop independently with guidance and support from our teachers. The children will be given opportunities and empowered regularly through daily learning experiences. Staff will be aware of the development levels of the children and use this information to foster each child’s self confidence. Our staff use positive and encouraging language and wherever possible, the children are encouraged to make choices and decisions and set their own learning goals.
Our curriculum reflects the holistic way that children learn and grow through acknowledging them as unique free-spirited individuals. Our teachers are proactive about introducing children to various cultures and are expected to be respectful of the beliefs of individual families. The teachers at The Y Early Learning Centre Massey are constantly working to provide an environment that is interactive, age appropriate stimulating and safe.
The wider world of family and community is an integral part of our curriculum and we foster active participation from all three protagonists. At The Y Early Learning Centre Massey we believe that the inclusion of family and the community are an integral part of the positive development of a child. Our teachers take the children into the community where possible and are aware of the resources that are available in the community to support the centre, children and families.
Children learn through responsive and reciprocal relationships with people, places and things and we encourage the participation in meaningful relationships. The staff at The Y Early Learning Centre Massey are committed to role modeling and supporting positive relationships. Reciprocal relationships are paramount and our programme provides opportunities for children to gain a rich understanding of their world, and to learn through trying out their ideas with adults and other children.
The Y Early Learning Centre Massey acknowledges and reflects the unique place of Maori as tangata whenua, giving children the opportunity to develop knowledge and an understanding of the cultural heritage of both parties to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Teachers reflect this in practice by ensuring programmes include tikanga me ona Te Reo Maori (Maori custom and language).