We believe early childhood should be accessible to our community, so we’ve worked hard to keep our pricing affordable for our families while delivering the best learning and nourishment with a combination of skills that will lead your children towards a quality life.
Our pricing structure
We offer three sessions:
Half day (8am – 12 or 1pm – 5pm)
School day (9:30am – 3:30pm)
Full day (8am - 5pm)
20 hours free
Eligible children aged 3 years and over receive 20 hours free early childhood education. You can enrol your child for 20 hours only, or use your free 20 hours for a cheaper overall cost (i.e. 9.30 – 3.30pm school hour’s enrolment – call centre for more details)
4 days for the cost of 3
To give you flexibility in your week and help your child establish good routines, YMCA Early Learning centre pricing means you pay for 3 days care but receive 4.
Call centre (09 579 4716) for more details.
Under 3s
Our range of session options (half day, school day and full day) means that you’re able to choose the best option to suit your family’s lifestyle and budget, so call soon and find out how we can help.